There are so many wrong steps have taken by BJP govt last 5 years .
1. Ambani and Adani was beggar and Modi made him richest in India.
2. Milk was flowing in all river, Modi led BJP made it to flow water.
3. Ganga was clean , BJP made it dirty.
4. There was no Corruption, After BJP came every corruption started.
5. There was no tolerance, suddenly intolerance started.
6. Also Modi govt didnt allow Media to travel with govt funded money which is very very Bad.
7. Foreign funded Christian NGOs were pushing for conversion which is also very bad . Now Modi govt blocked them and asked for expense transactions also.
8. Suddenly Mumbai like attacked stopped which is also very very bad for India.
9. Surgical strike is very wrong to attack other countries .
10. BJP should have given all freebies and subsidies to people( Not sure during Cong rule it was reaching to actual people ) .before decide can you answer on this ?
11. Army’s OROP(One Rank One Pension) halted from past 30 years got resolved in just 2 years after the BJP rule. BJP should not give .
Surging India - Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi spoke passionately about India’s development.
• "Did anyone think four years back that India will so quickly close in on $5 trillion club?
• Did anyone think that in ease of doing business, India will grow upto 77 from 152, closing in on top-50?
• Did anyone think more than trains, people will travel on a plane?
• Did anyone think that rickshaw puller, chaiwala will use BHIM app and have Debit card in his pocket?
• The aviation sector growing so fast that companies have order 1000 new planes. From independence to now, only 450 airplanes were ordered. But in last year, 1000 planes were ordered.
• Did anyone think that National waterways will be a reality?
• Did anyone think that without engine AC train will be tried, running at 180 kmph?
• Did anyone think from start-up to sports, India will grow so much?
• Did anyone think that Christian Michel will be brought back to India? No one thought 1984 Congress accused will be punished. Then what brought this change?
• Same people, same bureaucracy, same condition. Then why the change?"
• "In 2014, 50% of the people did not have bank accounts. Now in 2018, all have been connected with banking.
• In 2014, tax-payers were 3 crore 80 lakh. Now it is approximately 7 crore.
• Before 2014, 65 lakh were registered to pay tax. Today, in less than 1.5 years, 55 lakhs have registered.
• In 2014, mobile makers were just 2. Today there are 120. This is the face of Surging India.
• The plans from last 30-40 years which were stuck are being done. Now, wherever you go in the country you'll get to see a signboard - 'Work In Progress'.
• The work to build a new India is going on.
• Today, India is a country that never stops. Neither will we stop, or hold back, India has made it clear.
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-Shri Ram
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